Check In - Sunday, March 16
Please fill out this form and click submit.
List Other Family Members and Friends With You
Prayer Request
(Shared prayer requests submitted on Sunday are posted on Monday. You may view them by clicking on the "Prayer Requests" button at the bottom of a recent Thursday Care Mail.)
Prayer Request: Level of Confidentiality:
Please select one option.
Confidential (Shepherds and Staff only)
Please share with the church.
Prayer Request or Update
Serving Others
Willing to Serve (Check at least one of the options below. )
Please select all that apply.
Care Corps need: Grocery bags, both paper and plastic.
Care Corps need: Volunteers with either a pick-up or large SUV to pick up groceries from our local grocers.
I would like to know more about Care Church.
None of the above.
Changing Lives
I would like more information about:
Please select all that apply.
Small Groups
Please fill out this form and click submit.
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