Aspire to Serve: Submission Form

Please fill out this form and click submit.
I have been encouraged by fellow believers to submit my name for consideration as an elder of CARE Church and to faithfully serve in harmony with the church’s body of elders. Furthermore, I understand I am free to meet with one or more current elders of my choice to learn more about the duties and the amount of time I can expect to spend as an elder of CARE Church. I also understand that my wife and I will meet with the Elder Search Team for prayer and further discussion with regard to the eldership. Finally, I understand that if I determine I am unable or unwilling to meet the demands of serving as an elder, I can withdraw my name from consideration.

May God bless you for your willingness to serve.

The names of the aspirants will be kept confidential by the EST, elders, and staff until final selections are made and they are presented to the congregation.


Please fill out this form and click submit.